Education Law
Our lawyers have experience in local, state, and federal claims under the Americans with Disabilities Acts, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Attorney Brian Fielding represents clients throughout all stages in the development, implementation, and enforcement of Section 504 plans and IEPs, including:
• Initiation of an evaluation or meeting,
• Reviewing and revising current Section 504 plans and IEPs,
• Attending Section 504 and IEP meetings, including reevaluation meetings, placement meetings, transition planning meetings, and manifestation hearings; and
• Handling disciplinary actions
If a meeting does not resolve an issue, our attorneys are skilled at representing clients and resolving disputes at mediation, due process or Section 504 hearings, and trial litigation.
In addition, our lawyers handle administrative matters before Rhode Island Department of Education (“RIDE”) and other administrative and governmental agencies.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced lawyer regarding an education-related dispute, please contact us.
Chariho Appellate Decision; Reimbursement for Out-of-District Students Attending the Met School
E. Providence School Dept v. RI Board of Education: Superior Court Decision
What Happens Now? Juvenile Justice and Special Education
Understanding Your Rights: Due Process
Recent USDC Decision regarding challenge to IEP, S.C. v. Chariho Regional School District
To Mediate or Not to Mediate
IEP Basics in Massachusetts: Five Things Parents Should Know
Supreme Court Decision Issued in Favor of Special Education Rights Advocates
Five Things Parents Should Know: What Should an Individualized Education Plan ("IEP") Include?
Five Things Parents Should Know: IEP Basics